Thanks for viewing my galleries. I hope you like my work. Most of the images shown in the first three galleries: Printing and Serigraphs, Mixed Media & Crafts and Digital Paintings are available as beautiful giclee prints on archival paper. The price for a print--in the same size as the original--is given under each image. Shipping is additional. Every limited edition print is accompanied by a signed certificate of authenticity. Other sizes as well as prints on canvas or metal are also available. Contact me to order any of these options.

I happily accept commissions for original paintings, drawings, illustrations or book covers as well as dimensional hand crafted items along the lines you see in my galleries or you may challenge me with something new. I enjoy interacting with clients on a mutually respectful basis, so .please e-mail me to discuss your ideas. I reply to all new e-mails that don't have attachments. Please don't send me any images ahead of time.

I belong to several online heraldry groups and Orders of Chivalry and am recognized internationally as a heraldic artist. I will be pleased to discuss coats of arms, bookplates, badges, cyphers, etc. with you. Although I do not conduct genealogical research, I am open to discuss how this information interfaces with private heraldic design and to direct clients to reputable resources and consultants with whom we can collaborate.

E-mail me at:

Link to my design consulting site:

My Alembic Arts Facebook page: